Anti-wrinkle Treatments – Your Questions Answered

Are all cosmetic injectors the same?

Absolutely not! Not only are training and experience extremely important (see detailed explanation below), but you will find that nurses are far more gentle than doctors.

Nurses are born gentle. It’s this gentle nature that steers people towards nursing as a career –they want to look after people.

Doctors doing cosmetic injectables are GP’s. As these treatments really don’t make them much money, they push through as many people as they can in a short period of time. Because they are rushing, the last thing they are thinking about is how this feels for you. They’re just about getting the job done. If you ask when you make an appointment with a doctor for injectables, you will find you have 5 – 15 minutes maximum with them.

Choose a nurse every time to do your cosmetic injectables if pain isn’t your special subject.

How much time is given for cosmetic injectable treatments at Vie Institute?

Our cosmetic nurse injectors are given half an hour for every anti-wrinkle (tox) treatment. If you have ever had an anti-wrinkle treatment, you know that it doesn’t take that long! We want you to feel special, and giving you lots of time gives the girl’s ample time so they are not rushed at all and can take time to talk to you.

Our dermal filler treatments are booked for 45 minutes. Again lots of time so the injectors are not rushed. If you like to have local anaesthetic, no problems.

When it comes to giving local anaesthetic – all of our cosmetic injectable clients tell us that our nurses should be dentists because you cannot feel the local anaesthetic injection at all. Again, this comes down to time – if you slowly drip the local anaesthetic in, you don’t feel a thing. However a local anaesthetic injection given quickly stings like all get out!!

If you’ve never had dermal fillers or tox treatments before , we allow a half hour to chat to you about what you want to achieve, what you like and dislike and of course, the cost. We can even tailor treatments to your budget.

If you are a needle-phobe, but you really don’t want wrinkles – come and visit our injectors. “Hands of an angel” has been heard in the clinic so many times over the years. You will become one of our many hundreds of dedicated followers of Jan and Moira.

Why the Vie Institute cosmetic nurse injectors are so special.

We have the best 2 registered nurses on the Sunshine Coast – that title was given to them by a former DON (Director of Nursing) of the Sunshine Coast Day Surgery and before that Buderim Private Hospital and they both have enormous numbers of very loyal clients who will testify that there are none better!

Jan has been doing these treatments for us for 20 years this January and Moira for 15 years. That’s a long time! They are definitely the most experienced cosmetic injectable team on the Sunshine Coast.

Experience honestly is everything when choosing a cosmetic injector. The last thing you want is someone practising on you, and that’s what happens all the time. How do you think so many clinics can pop up everywhere?

Cosmetic injectors are trained up in a day. They are shown where they can inject everyone safely and they then proceed to do the same series of injections for everyone – this is called “the cookie cutter approach”. I’m pretty sure that you do not look like everyone else, and your muscles don’t work like everyone else, and you don’t want to look like everyone else! You don’t want to be a cookie!

If you want an individualised treatment (who doesn’t?) – make sure your injector has years of experience, not weeks or months. Ask when you book your treatment, how long the injector has been injecting.

The other reason everyone loves coming to see our cosmetic injectors is because they have been here for years – they know your history, what you like and how you like it! Most clinics change injectors regularly and you never know who will be treating you.

Are all anti-wrinkle products and dermal fillers the same?

Not exactly.

All anti-wrinkle injections are made from the same type of toxin, but manufactured slightly differently. Their action is the same, but some work better for some people than others. It really is a matter of try them and see which suits.

We offer the 2 most common types of anti-wrinkle product. We explain the difference which is mostly costs associated, and give you the option. Many clinics say they are using the most well-known, expensive brand, but give you the cheaper alternative. We give you the choice.

When it comes to dermal fillers, most on the market are Hyaluronic acid, again manufactured slightly differently so they last longer or less long. We use the 3 most well respected companies.

We do NOT use any permanent fillers and avoid anything really that isn’t HA (Hyaluronic acid). HA’s are safe. Your body is made up of HA. If you don’t like the look, we can get rid of it quickly and easily.

Other fillers over the years have proven to cause long term problems and in some cases, disfigurement. Why choose a product with a potential for problems when HA’s are safe and long lasting?

If you have been considering any cosmetic injectable treatment on the Sunshine Coast, give us a call. We are very happy to answer your questions. All of our consultations are complimentary. We guarantee that you will LOVE the results that we provide, you will love our injectors and you will love coming to Vie Institute.

Check out our many reviews on our website.