Facelift Myths De-bunked


Facelift surgery today is nothing like the Facelift surgery of old. To help you understand, we will share some light on some common misconceptions.

You have to be old to have a facelift

Dr. McGovern performs facelift surgery on men and women as young as 45 years of age. Provided you have a problem that can only be addressed with facelift surgery, you are suitable for this surgery.

These problems include:

  • jowling of the cheek, which is evidenced by a heavy nasolabial line (runs down from the nose beside the mouth)
  • jowling and excess skin along the jawline.
  • excess skin in the neck

You cannot have a facelift because you are too old

If you are fit and healthy, then age is no barrier to facelift surgery. Biological age is far more important than chronological age.

Dr. McGovern has performed facelifts on many people in their mid-eighties who are fit and healthy, but feel their facial appearance belies the way they act and feel.

Only women have facelifts

Men age just as women do and, in this day and age cosmetic surgery is seen as the norm for both men and women. A lot of the men we perform facial surgery on are tradesmen. Facelift surgery is embraced by men and women of all ages and all walks of life.

A min-facelift or S-lift is all that is required if you are young

There are many types of mini lifts which will give a small improvement for a short while. The downtime is the same 2 weeks as a full facelift and most people are unsatisfied with the long-term results of a mini facelift and wish they had done it “properly” in the first instance.

Dr. McGovern does not perform a mini facelift or S-lift procedures as he wants long-term satisfaction for his clients.

A facelift includes surgery on the eyes and brow

Facelift surgery is misnamed. It does not address areas of the upper or lower eyelids or the forehead.

Facelift surgery addresses the lower face only and addresses problems of heaviness, howling, and/or loose skin of the cheeks, the jawline, and the neck.

You will look like you have had a facelift after surgery

In a skilled surgeon’s hands, you will look natural after facelift surgery.

An obvious facelift is one that pulls tightly on the skin of the face leaving an unnatural look. This type of facelift not only looks wrong but does not give lasting results as the skin is elastic and will soon re-drape over the sagging underlying tissues.

Dr. McGovern addresses the underlying structures which are sagging with age or genetics, and simply drapes the skin back, removing only minimal skin (depending on your individual circumstance).

Facelift gets rid of facial lines

Excessive facial lines, usually caused by sun damage and/ or smoking cannot be removed with a facelift. Medical grade skincare, skin needling, and modern lasers are used for skin that is excessively lined.

Facelift will remove some lines of the cheek area and the neck. Dr. McGovern will discuss the correct option for you at consultation.

Facelift surgery involves a long recovery period
Most clients are back to normal in 2 to 3 weeks following facial surgery. In the first week following surgery, you will have a light lycra support garment to wear. There are no bandages required.

We do ask that you avoid bending, lifting, or anything that might increase your blood pressure for 2 weeks. Bruising is minimal with new techniques and all the tips that we share with you to avoid bruising from occurring.

We provide peri-operative supplementation and Arnica to help you recover quickly with minimal bruising.

Facelift surgery only lasts for a certain period of time and then needs to be re-done

A facelift will return your contours to a more youthful position. The overlying skin will continue to age, depending on how you look after it.

If you are keen to maximise the results of your facelift, we recommend wearing sunscreen every day, avoiding sun exposure where possible, and using medical-grade skin products. These skin products really make all the difference, but they cannot be purchased, except through a doctor’s room.

You will find they are less expensive than most brands you are currently using!

Everyone will know you’ve had a facelift

These days cosmetic surgery is the norm and not stigmatised as it once was. If you are wanting to disguise the fact that you have had facial surgery, there are ways to distract the eye of the casual observer.

Grow your hair, or colour it in a way that you haven’t before and plan on a new look after your surgery. You will find everyone telling you that it suits you and makes you look younger!

It will take a month for swelling to settle to a level that you are happy with, but many people are happy to resume social activity at just 2 – 3 weeks following facial surgery.

You do have to realise that you will look different after facial surgery, but you will be very happy with your new, more youthful contours.

All Plastic Surgeons are the same

Like every trade, some people prefer certain work and excel in different areas. Choosing the right surgeon for any operation should ALWAYS be your first priority. When you are dealing with surgery on your face, this is an even more important factor.

You do not want second best and costs should be the very last deciding factor for any cosmetic procedure.

If you cannot afford it – don’t do it. Having to live with a second-rate result for the rest of your life will be far worse than living with you, the way you are.

The very best way to choose a plastic surgeon is to firstly check that their qualifications include the letters FRACS behind their name, followed by their specialty (Plast Recon. Surg).

Without this, they are not a qualified surgeon, trained to perform cosmetic surgery.

The next on your list is to ask for a personal recommendation. Start with your GP, they will have seen a lot of cosmetic surgery and they will not want to be responsible for sending you to a surgeon they do not believe will do the right thing by you.

The next is to ask your friends and acquaintances. Don’t be bashful. You will be amazed at how many people have had surgery or know someone who has!

Most of Dr. McGovern’s facelift clients are direct friends or relatives of clients he has done surgery for in the past and are extremely happy with their results and happy to share their experiences.

If you have been toying with the idea of facial surgery, or if you are just unhappy with how your face is ageing, give us a call.

Our staff has been working with Dr. McGovern for many years and they are very happy to spend time talking to you and to help you with all of your enquiries and the costs involved.