Welome to Vie at Fraser KirkMeet the team

The longest established plastic surgical practice on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast.


Michelle Beitsch

Dermal Aesthetician
Advanced Laser Technician
Skin Rejuvenation Specialist

My name is Michelle Beitsch and I have worked at Vie Institute since 2009 as a dermal aesthetician.

My main role at Vie Institute is educating Dr. Mark McGovern’s surgical clients about the benefits of medical grade skin care. We recommend vitamin A and niacinamide creams and various supplements to all of our skin cancer clients, to prevent further skin cancers developing. To our facial cosmetic surgery clients we explain how important it is to prepare your skin before surgery and then help them to maintain their amazing results with a solid medical grade skin regime following surgery.

I am particularly passionate about working with the skin conditions that people find difficult to treat, such as rosacea, hyperpigmentation, melasma and acne. OPf course, on the Sunshine Coast, a lot of the problems that we see every day are those of sun-damage , causing premature ageing of the skin.

I am well known for my passion about turning clients skin around and having these results lasting long term. I like to spend time working out what triggers these individual skin problems and helping my clients understand that it is often what they are eating, or not eating.

I am blessed at Vie Institute, under Dr McGovern’s guiding hand, to be able to work with amazing medical grade skincare ranges and vitamins. Being a medical practice we can really push the strength of the treatments we offer and also have at hand chemical peels, various lasers , skin needling and epi-blading to really reverse and repair the damage that has been done, and bring out new, shiny and healthy skin.

It’s not just amazing medical grade skincare and treatment, it’s about the whole you, vitamins, foods and inner health that then leads to long term skin health and happiness.

I love working with my clients long term and to continue seeing improvements in their skin.

The way we look affects the way we feel and that can lead to long term health issues so if I can help people look better, feel better then I know long term, I’m changing people’s lives. That is why I do my job and still love it after all these years because I love people saying “ thank you, I can’t believe how good I feel and how good I look”. No matter what the issue was to start with its all about getting results and helping people long term.