Skin Needling / Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)

Collagen Induction therapy is a technique that we use to help to rejuvenate and restore collagen. We use a pen like device that is fit with multiple needles that induce a wound where the collagen and elastin respond and the skin creates new cells.


What is Skin Needling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)?

Skin Needling or Collagen Induction therapy (CIT) is a technique that we use to help to rejuvenate and restore collagen. We use a pen-like device that is fitted with multiple needles that induce a wound where the collagen and elastin respond and the skin creates new cells.

Am I suitable for Skin Needling or CIT?

Skin Needling or CIT is suitable if:

  • You are after rejuvenation
  • Want to reduce wrinkles
  • Stretchmarks
  • You need help with acne scaring
  • You don’t have any existing breakout

How do I prepare for Skin Needling or CIT?

  • Your skin is in healthy condition (No breakouts)
  • Being on Medical Grade skin care.
  • Boosting your immune system with anti-oxidants, vitamins and supplements which can greatly reduce the risks of surgery.
  • Make a list of all of the features of your nose that you would like to change.

How is Skin Needling or CIT performed?

  • The skin is cleansed and numbing cream is applied for 20-30 minutes
  • Skin Needling or CIT is performed with a medical grade surgical instrument. It has micro needles which range from 0.5mm to 1.5mm in length. Depending on the severity of scarring the treatment can go as deep as 2mm.
  • We use a tissue nutrient solution along with a hyaluronic acid as a part of our treatment. This helps to hydrate and rebuild our skin cells which evens out skin tone and helps minimise fine lines. We are trying to promote the natural reproduction of collagen and elastin, this makes the skin feel smoother and tighter.
  • The treatment is treated thoroughly with this procedure, each area will come up with flushing. This is a good sign that the medical grade treatment

Will I feel the Skin Needling or CIT?

  • We apply a numbing agent to the skin that is supplied here.
  • It will take about 10-30 minutes for the numbing to activate
  • You may feel a slight scratching on the surface or you may produce some heat but generally a very tolerable treatment.
  • With the numbing there is minimal discomfort and the grade of discomfort will be a 2-3 out of 10 at most.
  • The most you will feel will be around the bony or thin areas such as lip, forehead and eyes. Panadol can be taken but only prior to treatment.

What will my aftercare be like after my Skin Needling or CIT?

  • Very minimal
  • No actives for at least 5 days
  • Avoid vitamin A for 5 days
  • Do not wet face for 6 hours
  • Trying to keep the face cool for 24 hours

What can and can’t I do after my Skin Needling or CIT?

  • No Swimming
  • No excessive exercising for 24 hours
  • No using products other then what has been assigned by the therapist
  • You can rest
  • You can drink lots of water to help the hydration and renewal of cells

How long before I will see the final result following Skin Needling or CIT?

It’s always wise to have at least 6 treatments. You will see a change after 2-3 but for the most improvement 6 treatments plus 1 a year will get you the results you are looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Skin Needling or CIT take?

What is the cost of a consultation?

What is the cost of Skin Needling or CIT?