Sunshine Coast Epi-Blading/Dermaplaning

At Vie by Fraser Kirk, we are committed to offering treatments that not only address specific skin concerns but also promote skin health. Dermaplaning is a prime example of our approach, combining exfoliation techniques with a deep respect for the skin’s natural integrity.


Our Philosophy on Dermaplaning

At Vie by Fraser Kirk, we are committed to offering treatments that not only address specific skin concerns but also promote skin health. Dermaplaning is a prime example of our approach, combining exfoliation techniques with a deep respect for the skin’s natural integrity. Dr Grant Fraser Kirk and our skilled nursing team ensure that this procedure is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, focusing on safety, hygiene, and achieving the patient’s goals.

We believe that dermaplaning should be more than just a cosmetic treatment; it should serve as a part of a holistic skin care regimen. This treatment is performed precisely and carefully to gently remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz (fine, soft, light-coloured hairs).

We take the time to explain the dermaplaning process in detail, ensuring that every client understands both the benefits and the simplicity of care involved post-treatment. This client-centred approach helps foster a trusting relationship and ensure satisfaction with the outcomes.

What Does Dermaplaning Do?

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure that uses a sterile surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the surface of the skin. This process removes the topmost layer of dead skin along with fine vellus hair (peach fuzz), which can trap dirt and oils.

By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, dermaplaning can help promote the turnover of skin cells, encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin cells. With the removal of the outer layer of dead skin and fine hairs, skincare products can penetrate more deeply and effectively into the skin. This increased absorption can enhance the effectiveness of your skincare regimen, making products like moisturisers, serums, and anti-aging treatments more effective. By eliminating peach fuzz, dermaplaning makes it easier to apply makeup. Foundation and powders can be applied more evenly without getting caught in fine hairs.

Another advantage of dermaplaning is its ability to help detoxify the skin. As it removes barriers to natural skin shedding and renewal, the procedure promotes healthier skin growth. Regular dermaplaning sessions can be a key component in maintaining a clear and healthy complexion, particularly when combined with other skincare treatments tailored to the client’s specific needs.

Reasons for Having Dermaplaning

Clients choose dermaplaning for a variety of reasons. They may want to undergo the treatment to address dry or rough skin. By carefully removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair, this treatment addresses uneven skin surfaces and bumps. Moreover, clients may also consider the treatment to address age-related fine lines and wrinkles. As we age, our skin’s natural cell turnover decreases, leading to the accumulation of dead skin cells that can make fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing more visible. Dermaplaning accelerates the exfoliation process, helping to remove these dead cells and reduce the appearance of signs of skin ageing.

Dermaplaning can also help individuals experiencing residual scarring from acne, particularly those with mild scarring. While it is not recommended for those currently experiencing active acne outbreaks—due to the potential for irritation and spreading bacteria—it can reduce the appearance of acne scars in those with inactive acne. The treatment addresses uneven skin surfaces, diminishing the visibility of indents and rough texture caused by past acne.

Clients preparing for other skincare treatments may also undergo dermaplaning. By removing the dead skin barrier and peach fuzz, treatments such as chemical peels, laser therapy, and topical serums can penetrate deeper and work more effectively. This improved absorption maximises the benefits of subsequent treatments, making dermaplaning an option for those planning more comprehensive skincare regimens.

What to Expect from Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a procedure that uses a sterile blade to remove the outermost layers of dead skin and peach fuzz. The dermaplaning process starts with a thorough cleansing of the face. This step is essential to remove any makeup, oils, and dirt from the skin to ensure that the tool can glide smoothly and effectively. Next, the skin may be prepped with a mild antiseptic or astringent to reduce the risk of infection and remove any remaining oils on the skin’s surface.

Once the skin is prepped, the practitioner will use a sterile, surgical-grade scalpel held at a 45-degree angle to gently scrape the surface of the skin. The scalpel is lightly brushed along the skin, using short, swift strokes to exfoliate the outer layers of dead skin cells and remove fine hairs. Dermaplaning is typically performed on the cheeks, jawline, chin, and forehead. Care is taken to avoid overly sensitive areas of the face, such as the eyelids and lips.

After the exfoliation, a gel, serum, or moisturiser may be applied to the skin. These products are more effective post-dermaplaning because they can penetrate deeper into the skin.

Finally, a broad-spectrum sunscreen is applied to protect the newly exposed skin cells from UV damage. The skin is more vulnerable to sunlight after exfoliation, so adequate sun protection is crucial. Immediately after the treatment, you can notice changes in the texture and appearance of the treated area. Your skin might show slight redness and feel a bit sensitive. It’s important to follow a gentle skincare routine for a few days after dermaplaning and avoid using exfoliating agents to prevent irritation.

Potential Associated Risks

Dermaplaning carries potential risks, particularly if not performed by an experienced practitioner. Common minor side effects include slight redness and skin sensitivity immediately following the procedure, which typically subsides after a few days. More serious, though less common, risks include nicks and abrasions from the scalpel, folliculitis (an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles), and, in rare cases, hyperpigmentation, especially in individuals with darker skin tones. To minimise these risks, it is crucial that dermaplaning is done with sterile equipment and precise technique, alongside proper aftercare.

At Vie by Fraser Kirk, we take proactive steps to ensure the safety and comfort of our clients during dermaplaning sessions. Our facility adheres to strict hygiene protocols to prevent infection and complications. All our dermaplaning tools are sterilised before use, and we use a new, sterile blade for each client.

Post-treatment care is critical to the success of the procedure and to minimise potential risks. We provide each client with comprehensive aftercare instructions, which include guidelines on keeping the skin clean, avoiding direct sun exposure, and applying sunscreen regularly. These measures are designed to protect the vulnerable new layer of skin and to promote healing.