non-surgical cosmetic treatmentVolume Restoration

We are all very familiar these days with Volume Restoration and how these treatments can be used to keep us looking fresh and young. These days, however, Volume Restoration is being used for far more than just filling facial lines.

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So how have volume restoration treatments and their uses changed over the years?

Initially, when volume restoration treatments were introduced, they were used to soften facial lines, folds and to enhance lip volume.

General ageing, skin damage from years of sun exposure, genetics and even the way we sleep can be factored into why we develop lines and folds on our face.

These days’ volume restoration treatments are also used to:

  • Restore volume to cheeks
  • Fill dark hollows under the eyes
  • To shape the face- whether the cheek, the temple of the jaw-line
  • Help scars to be less obvious by making them more shallow
  • Disguise minor disfigurements of the nose.
  • Lift the face to give it a more youthful appearance. This of course can only give minimal improvement. Any larger amount of lift requires facelift surgery.
  • Along with wrinkle reduction treatments, they are of the most popular cosmetic procedures available for women

Will I be suitable for a Volume Restoration treatment?

  • Facial rejuvenation is very much individualised. Your 45minute consultation with our nurses before you embark on treatment will give us all the information to know what you want to achieve, how much money you want to spend and explain the products that will be best suited to your individual circumstance.
  • Not all concerns can be addressed with volume restoration treatments. Our nurses will explain all of these options.
  • If your skin is severely sun-damaged, you may require some intensive skin treatments with our dermal therapist to repair your skin to a level that it will” hold” the volume restoration treatments for longer.
  • If you suffer from an auto-immune disease, are allergic to the local anaesthetic or are pregnant – you may not be a suitable candidate.